This technology is an open source technology that requires Electronic and Electrical Technical skills... with full understanding of how the internal combustion engine works. We do not claim that we are the owner of Mega Squirt, however, we have reached some level or degree of success in replicating, installing and building these kits for the benefit of every Pinoy who may have a need for this. Please read on the posted articles, we have tried our best to make the information on this as layman friendly as possible. Many Thanks - The Pinoy Mega Squirt - VEMS team.

A Glimpse of what Mega Squirt is about...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Analogy of your ECU to your Car

People often wonder - what in the world is Mega Squirt?

The best analogy would be... a liberated free thinking empowered brain transplant for any car.

You car has a brain - this is the ECU, if you have it repaired - you are simply attaching it to a pace maker where it will only keep it alive - even when there is no more brain waves or signals present in it. It's like a Zombie.

To add, your ECU if it's working like new - is like the brain of a slave - it cannot accept any other reason or programming, it will only function or work according to it's masters program. Therefore, it will not tune your engine to racing or economy if it is needed, it will only keep it running according to a pre-set program.

Mega Squirt on the other hand - is the brain of a Free - Thinking FREE MAN. It can accept new ideas, reason and programming. Therefore, you can make your car virtually perform to almost all types of setting. Whether its for racing? or for economy.

It is completely programmable you can have full control of the VVT and other important aspects in the system of your vehicle.

Installation may take from 3 to 6 hours the most.

For a flooded ECU... it is better to replace it with this...

Dont even think of having your ECU repaired... if it was flooded - no one in the auto industry will ever advice for you to have it repaired. Unless they are part owner of the shop that will fix it for you. However, your car will never ever be the same again. You just placed yourself into more additional surprises.

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